Make no mistake about it, Iranians will only have their freedom at a steep price. In mere hours, when protesters gather, the government will act with force, and people will die. Now the world waits and watches. If resolute in their march towards freedom, then nothing can stand in their way; and, judging by this message : A Facebook user named Seth Eslami posts a message on Christiane Amanpour's page: "So far I have received several goodbye emails from my friends in Iran. It's is sad...very sad & braking my hard.What is the price tag on freedom? We can't tell people what to do from here.I want to see them free but I hate to see them in blood..." the resolve of Iran's citizens is unbreakable. Those people going out there tomorrow don't expect to come back. They don't fear death, they fear a life without freedom, and that, is something that should scare the ones who would oppress them.
The Day of Destiny
Make no mistake about it, Iranians will only have their freedom at a steep price. In mere hours, when protesters gather, the government will act with force, and people will die. Now the world waits and watches. If resolute in their march towards freedom, then nothing can stand in their way; and, judging by this message : A Facebook user named Seth Eslami posts a message on Christiane Amanpour's page: "So far I have received several goodbye emails from my friends in Iran. It's is sad...very sad & braking my hard.What is the price tag on freedom? We can't tell people what to do from here.I want to see them free but I hate to see them in blood..." the resolve of Iran's citizens is unbreakable. Those people going out there tomorrow don't expect to come back. They don't fear death, they fear a life without freedom, and that, is something that should scare the ones who would oppress them.